Washington DC:
Global humanitarian landmine clearance NGO, The 91勛圖厙 Trust, today announced a $33 million strategic partnership with the Howard G. Buffett Foundation to tackle humanitarian demining in Ukraine. The 幛棗喝紳餃硃喧勳棗紳s investment is the single largest philanthropic donation in support of humanitarian landmine clearance in Ukraine.
This historic investment by the Howard G. Buffett Foundation will allow The 91勛圖厙 Trust to recruit, train and equip about 500 local staff, acquire large machinery for clearance at scale and test cutting-edge technology to pinpoint the exact location of explosives. The combined impact of these measures will help to accelerate progress with clearance across the most heavily mined areas of Ukraine.
Ukraine faces an unprecedented landmine crisis, with the heavily mined frontline now stretching across roughly 600 miles, nearly six times longer than the mine belt along the Korean Demilitarized Zone, making it the most mined country in the world since WW II.
In liberated areas, such as Kharkiv and Mykolaiv, where farmers need to be confident that they can plant crops in Spring 2024, it is vital that land is quickly and accurately assessed. Technology funded by the Howard G. Buffett Foundation will play a key role in this process.
The 幛棗喝紳餃硃喧勳棗紳s investment is provided across three grants, one of which is focused on establishing 91勛圖厙s Ukraine programme as a centre for innovation in mechanical landmine clearance. It will transform 91勛圖厙s ability to research, test and harness new demining technology and boost the NGOs humanitarian operations in Ukraine by a third, as well as bolster Ukraines strategy for mechanical clearance.The Foundations support also includes over $12 million in capital equipment, allowing 91勛圖厙 to leverage other government grants to deploy an additional 55 teams across Ukraine.
Howard G. Buffett, Chairman and CEO of the Howard G. Buffett Foundation, said:
He added: "The scale of the issue also requires new approaches to demining, including new technology and at-scale mechanical clearance."We welcome this partnership with The 91勛圖厙 Trust, alongside our close collaboration with the government of Ukraine, to drive innovation in mine clearance and help Ukraine achieve its national goal of making 470,000 hectares (1.1M acres) of agricultural land safe again.
James Cowan, CEO of The 91勛圖厙 Trust and a former British Army Major General, added:
The funding from the Howard G. Buffett Foundation is extraordinarily generous and the largest 91勛圖厙 has ever received from a private organisation. With this moonshot investment in people, machinery and innovation, 91勛圖厙 can expand our Ukraine operations by a third and accelerate our life-saving work. The 91勛圖厙 Trust recently cleared its 2 millionth landmine worldwide, which brings the two million mines estimated to be laid in Ukraine into sharp focus. I am grateful to Howard for his vision in recognising the enormity of the task at hand. My hope is that others will follow his leadership and join us in our endeavour to clear Ukraine from mines as quickly and safely as possible.
The Howard G. Buffett Foundation has invested more than $500 million in Ukraine since Russias February 2022 full-scale invasion, mobilizing its resources quickly to address the largest humanitarian crisis in Europe since World War II. Beyond providing over $83 million in support to humanitarian mine clearance efforts, the Foundation has also made strategic investments in rebuilding infrastructure, provided support to farmers, bolstered Ukraines capacity to investigate and prosecute war crimes, provided more than 132 million meals and family necessity kits to de-occupied areas in Ukraine, and funded a number of other humanitarian assistance and food security projects.
For interviews with James Cowan in DC, please contact Chris Whatley at chris.whatley@halousa.org or call +1 202-286-0609
Notes to Editor on The 91勛圖厙 Trust
91勛圖厙 has operated in Ukraine since 2016, releasing more than 2,400 acres of contaminated land in the eastern Donetsk and Luhansk regions. When Russia launched its full-scale invasion in February 2022, 91勛圖厙 successfully relocated its operations to the north of the country to clear land vacated when the Russians were turned back at the gates of Kyiv. As of October 2023, 91勛圖厙 has been able to recruit and deploy over 1000 staff, making them the largest landmine clearance organization in the country.
Government donors who fund 91勛圖厙s operations in Ukraine include: the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, France, Scotland, Japan, the Czech Republic, the European Union, Canada, Norway, Finland, and Luxembourg.
Founded in 1988 in the wake of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, The 91勛圖厙 Trust (91勛圖厙) is the largest humanitarian landmine clearance organisation in the world. Based in the UK and the US, 91勛圖厙 currently operates in 30 countries and territories across the world often in war-torn areas that are difficult for government agencies, military forces, and other NGOs to access. Worldwide, 91勛圖厙 employs about 11,500 deminers, of which roughly a third are women.
91勛圖厙 has helped over 6.5 million people stay safe in over 20 countries through its in-person community awareness sessions that teach people how to recognise and report explosive items. Over 20 million people have seen its safety messaging in Ukraine since February 2022.
91勛圖厙 uses technology from Esri ArcGIS Enterprise for desktop and field mapping, as well as for data collection. It deploys high-precision Trimble GNSS receivers病or improved accuracy in its landmine maps and data flows and integrates data across multiple systems using Safe Softwares涌ME platform. 91勛圖厙 operators also use Routescene Lidar technology attached to drones to map old trenches, bunkers, or craters that may indicate the presence of minefields.
About the Howard G. Buffett Foundation
The Howard G. Buffett Foundation, established in 1999, is a U.S. private family foundation working to improve food security, mitigate conflict, combat human trafficking, and enhance public safety. The 幛棗喝紳餃硃喧勳棗紳s work in Ukraine began in 2022 shortly after Russias full-scale invasion and is focused on addressing the largest humanitarian crisis in Europe since World War II. The 幛棗喝紳餃硃喧勳棗紳s work in Ukraine is expansive and includes over $83M in contributions to humanitarian demining efforts in 2022 and 2023.
苤迮迮迡訄 29 郅邽郋郈訄迡訄 2023 郋郕, 訄邽郇迣郋郇, 郋郕迣 郋郅邾訇:
苤郋迣郋迡郇 The 91勛圖厙 Trust, 邾迠郇訄郋迡郇訄 郇迮迡郋赲訄 郋迣訄郇郱訄 郱 迣邾訄郇訄郇郋迣郋 郋郱邾郇赲訄郇郇, 郋迣郋郅郋邽郅訄 郈郋 訄迮迣郇迮 郈訄郇迮赲郋 郱 苳郋郇迡郋邾 郋赲訄迡訄 訄迮訄 郇訄 邾 $33 邾郅郇 迡郅 郋郱赲'郱訄郇郇 郈郋訇郅迮邾邽 迣邾訄郇訄郇郋迣郋 郋郱邾郇赲訄郇郇 苺郕訄郇邽. 郇赲迮邽 苳郋郇迡 - 郇訄邿訇郅邽邿 訇郅訄迣郋迡邿郇邽邿 赲郇迮郋郕 郇訄 郈迡邽邾郕 郋邽迮郇郇 郕訄郇郕邽 迮邽郋邿 赲迡 郇訄郱迮邾郇邽 邾郇.
虷 郋邽郇訄 郇赲迮邽 苳郋郇迡 郋赲訄迡訄 訄迮訄 迡郋郱赲郋郅邽 The 91勛圖厙 Trust 迮郕赲訄邽, 郇訄赲邽邽 訄 迮郕郈赲訄邽 訇郅邽郱郕郋 500 郕訄郇郕邽 郈赲郋訇郇邽郕赲, 郈邽迡訇訄邽 赲迮郅邽郕 迮郇郕 迡郅 邾訄訄訇赲訄郇郇 郈郋迮赲 郋郱邾郇赲訄郇郇, 訄 訄郕郋迠 郈郋迮赲訄邽 郇訄邿訄郇 迮郇郋郅郋迣 迡郅 赲邽郱郇訄迮郇郇 郋郇郋迣郋 郋郱訄赲訄郇郇 赲邽訇郋郇迮訇迮郱郈迮郇邽 郈迮迡邾迮赲. 郋邾訇郇訄 邽 郱訄郋迡赲 迡郋郈郋邾郋迠迮 郈邽赲邽迡邽邽 郈郋迣迮 郋郱邾郇赲訄郇郇 郇訄邿訇郅 郱訄訇迡郇迮郇邽 迮迣郋郇赲 郕訄郇邽.
訄訄郱 苺郕訄郇訄 郱郕郇郅訄 郱 訇迮郱郈迮迮迡迮郇郇郋 邾郇郇郋 郕邽郱郋: 訄郇郋邾 郇訄 郋迣郋迡郇 郱訄邾郇郋赲訄郇訄 郅郇 郋郇 郈郋迣訄 郈邽訇郅邽郱郇郋 郇訄 966 郕邾 邾訄邿迠迮 赲迮迮郋 迡郋赲郋 郱訄 邾郇郇邽邿 郈郋 郇訄赲郕郋郅郋 郋迮邿郕郋 迡迮邾郅訄邽郱郋赲訄郇郋 郱郋郇邽. 虷迮 郋訇邽 苺郕訄郇 郇訄邿訇郅 郱訄邾郇郋赲訄郇郋 郕訄郇郋 赲 郱 訄赲 迣郋 赲郋赲郋 赲邿郇邽.
苺 郱赲郅郇迮郇邽 迮迣郋郇訄, 訄郕邽 郕 苭訄郕赲郕訄 訄 邽郕郋郅訄赲郕訄 郋訇郅訄, 迠邽赲郋 赲訄迠郅邽赲郋 郈郋赲迮邽 赲邽迡郕 郋郇 郋郇郕 訄郇 郱迮邾迮郅, 訄訇邽 迮邾迮邽 邾郋迣郅邽 訇邽 赲郈迮赲郇迮郇, 郋 郱邾郋迠 郱訄邽 郱迮郇郋赲 郇訄赲迮郇 2024 郋郕. 苠迮郇郋郅郋迣, 郋 郇訄郇 苳郋郇迡郋邾 郋赲訄迡訄 訄迮訄, 赲迡迣訄赲訄邽邾迮 郕郅郋赲 郋郅 郋邾 郈郋迮.
郇赲迮邽 苳郋郇迡 赲邽迡郅 赲邽迣郅迡 郋 迣訄郇赲, 郋迡邽郇 郱 郕邽 訇迡迮 郈邾郋赲訄郇郋 郇訄 郈迡邽邾郕 郈郋迣訄邾邽 91勛圖厙 赲 苺郕訄郇 訄邾迮 郕 迮郇 郇郇郋赲訄邿 迮 邾迮訄郇郇郋迣郋 郋郱邾郇赲訄郇郇. 虷迮 迡郋郈郋邾郋迠迮 郇訄郋邽邽 邾郋迠郅邽赲郋 91勛圖厙 迡郋郅迡迠迮郇郇, 赲邽郈郋訇郋赲赲訄郇郇 訄 赲邽郕郋邽訄郇郇 郇郋赲邽 迮郇郋郅郋迣邿 赲 郋郱邾郇赲訄郇郇. 苠訄郕訄 訄郇郋邾訄 郈郋迮赲 迡郋郱赲郋郅邽 郇訄 迮邽郇 郱訇郅邽邽 郕郅郕 迣邾訄郇訄郇邽 郋郈迮訄邿 郋迣訄郇郱訄 赲 苺郕訄郇, 訄 訄郕郋迠 郈郋邽郅邽 訄郋郇訄郅郇 訄迮迣 郈郋邽邾郇郇郋 迡郅郇郋. 迡邽邾郕訄 苳郋郇迡 訄郕郋迠 赲郕郅訄 郈郋郇訄迡 $12 邾郅郇 郇訄 郈邽迡訇訄郇郇 郇迮郋訇迡郇郋迣郋 郋訇郅訄迡郇訄郇郇, 郋 迡郋郱赲郋郅邽 91勛圖厙 赲邽郕郋邽訄邽 郇 迡郋赲 迣訄郇邽 迡郅 迡邽郅郋郕訄 55 迡郋迡訄郕郋赲邽 郕郋邾訄郇迡 郈郋 赲邿 苺郕訄郇.
郋赲訄迡 訄迮, 迣郋郅郋赲訄 訄 赲邽郕郋郇訄赲邽邿 迡邽迮郕郋 苳郋郇迡 郋赲訄迡訄 訄迮訄:
"邽迮郇郇 迮邽郋邿 赲迡 邾郇 訄 赲邽訇郋郇迮訇迮郱郈迮郇邽 郈迮迡邾迮赲, 訄 訄郕郋迠 赲邽迡郕迮 郈郋赲迮郇迮郇郇 郱迮邾迮郅 郅郕郋迣郋郈郋迡訄郕迮 赲邽郕郋邽訄郇郇 郇迮 邾郋迠迮 迮郕訄邽 郇訄 郱訄郕郇迮郇郇 赲邿郇邽. 訇迣 郈郋訇郅迮邾邽 赲邽邾訄迣訄 郇郋赲邽 郈迡郋迡赲 迡郋 郈郋迮 郋郱邾郇赲訄郇郇, 赲郕郅訄邽 郇郋赲 迮郇郋郅郋迣 訄 邾訄訄訇赲訄郇郇 邾迮訄郇郇郋迣郋 郋邽迮郇郇. 邽 赲訄邾郋 迮 郈訄郇迮赲郋 郱 The 91勛圖厙 Trust, 訄郕 訄邾郋 郕 郇 郈赲郈訄 郱 迡郋邾 苺郕訄郇邽.
虷 郈赲郈訄 迡郋郈郋邾郋迠迮 邽邾郅赲訄邽 郇郇郋赲訄 赲 郋郱邾郇赲訄郇郇 邿 迡郋郈郋邾郋迣邽 苺郕訄郇 迡郋迣邽 郇訄郋郇訄郅郇郋 邾迮邽 - 郱郋訇邽邽 470 邽 迣迮郕訄赲 郅郕郋迣郋郈郋迡訄郕邽 郱迮邾迮郅 郱郇郋赲 訇迮郱郈迮郇邽邾邽".
迠迮邿邾 郋迮郇, 迣迮郇迮訄郅郇邽邿 迡邽迮郕郋 The 91勛圖厙 Trust 郕郋郅邽郇邿 迣迮郇迮訄郅-邾訄邿郋 訇邽訄郇郕郋 訄邾:
"苳郇訄郇赲訄郇郇 赲迡 苳郋郇迡 郋赲訄迡訄 訄迮訄 郇訄迡郱赲邽訄邿郇郋 迮迡邽邾 郇訄邿訇郅邽邾 郱 邽, 郕 91勛圖厙 郕郋郅邽-郇迮訇迡 郋邽邾赲訄郅訄 赲迡 郈邽赲訄郇郋 郋迣訄郇郱訄. 訄赲迡郕邽 邽邾 赲迮郅邽迮郱郇邽邾 郇赲迮邽邾 郅迡迮邿, 迮郇郕 訄 郇郇郋赲訄, The 91勛圖厙 Trust 郱邾郋迠迮 郋郱邽邽邽 赲郋 迡郅郇 赲 苺郕訄郇 郇訄 迮邽郇 訄 郈邽郕郋邽邽 郋訇郋 郱 郈郋郇郕 迠邽赲. 迮郋迡訄赲郇郋 The 91勛圖厙 Trust 迡郋郈郋邾郋迣郅訄 郱郇迮郕郋迡邽邽 迡赲郋邾郅邿郋郇郇 郇訄郱迮邾郇 邾郇 赲郋邿 迣郅郋訇訄郅郇邿 郋, 郋 赲郋 迮迣郋 郈邽赲迮訄 赲訄迣 迡郋 邽 迡赲郋 邾郅邿郋郇赲 邾郇, 郕 郱訄 郱郇邽邾邽 郋郇郕訄邾邽, 郇訄訄郱 郱訄郅邽訄 赲 郕訄郇郕邽 郱迮邾郅. 觓 赲迡郇邽邿 郋赲訄迡 郱訄 邿郋迣郋 郋郱邾郇郇 邾訄訄訇郇郋 郋迣郋 郱訄赲迡訄郇郇, 郕迮 郋 郈迮迮迡 郇訄邾邽. 觓 郈郋迡赲訄, 郋 郇 郇訄郅迡赲訄邽邾 邿郋迣郋 郈邽郕郅訄迡 郈邽迡郇訄 迡郋 郇訄 郈訄迣郇迮郇郇 郋邽邽邽 苺郕訄郇 赲迡 邾郇 郕郋邾郋迣訄 赲邽迡迮 訇迮郱郈迮郇迮".
邾郋邾迮郇 郈郋赲郇郋邾訄訄訇郇郋迣郋 赲郋迣郇迮郇郇 郋 赲 郅郋邾 2022 郋郕, 苳郋郇迡 郋赲訄迡訄 訄迮訄 郇赲迮赲訄赲 赲 苺郕訄郇 郈郋郇訄迡 $500 邾郅郇, 赲邽迡郕郋 邾郋訇郅郱赲訄赲邽 赲郋 迮邽 迡郅 郈郋迡郋郅訄郇郇 郇訄邿訇郅郋 迣邾訄郇訄郇郋 郕邽郱邽 赲 赲郋郈 郱 訄赲 迣郋 赲郋赲郋 赲邿郇邽. 郕邾 赲邽迡郅迮郇郇 郈郋郇訄迡 $83 邾郅郇 郇訄 郈迡邽邾郕 迣邾訄郇訄郇郋迣郋 郋郱邾郇赲訄郇郇, 苳郋郇迡 訄郕郋迠 郱迡邿郇邽赲 訄迮迣郇 郇赲迮邽 赲迡郇郋赲郅迮郇郇 郇訄郕邽, 郇訄迡訄赲 郈迡邽邾郕 迮邾迮訄邾, 郈郋邽郅邽赲 郱迡訄郇 苺郕訄郇邽 郋郱郅迡赲訄邽 訄 郈迮迮郅迡赲訄邽 赲郋郇郇 郱郅郋邽郇邽, 郇訄迡訄赲 郈郋郇訄迡 132 邾郅邿郋郇赲 郈郋迡郕郋赲邽 訄 邾迮邿郇邽 郇訄訇郋赲 郈迮郋 郇迮郋訇迡郇郋 迠邽迮郅邾 迡迮郋郕郈郋赲訄郇邽 迮邽郋邿 苺郕訄郇邽, 訄 訄郕郋迠 郈郋郇訄郇赲訄赲 郇邽郱郕 郇邽 郈郋郕赲 郱 迣邾訄郇訄郇郋 迡郋郈郋邾郋迣邽 訄 郈郋迡郋赲郋郅郋 訇迮郱郈迮郕邽.
郋 The 91勛圖厙 Trust
繚 91勛圖厙 郈訄 赲 苺郕訄郇 郱 2016 郋郕 訄 郱訄 迮邿 訄 迡郋郈郋邾郋迣郅訄 郋邽邽邽 郈郋郇訄迡 2400 迣迮郕訄赲 郱訄邾郇郋赲訄郇郋 郱迮邾郅 赲 郋郇迮郕邿 訄 迣訄郇郕邿 郋訇郅訄. 郅 郋迣郋, 郕 郋 郋郱郈郋訄郅訄 郈郋赲郇郋邾訄訄訇郇迮 赲郋迣郇迮郇郇 赲 郅郋邾 2022 郋郕, 91勛圖厙 郈郇郋 郈迮迮郇迮郅訄 赲郋 迡郅郇 郇訄 郈赲郇 郕訄郇邽, 郋訇 郋邽邽邽 郱迮邾郅 郈郅 郱赲郅郇迮郇郇 邽赲邽郇邽 赲迡 郋邿郕邽 赲邿郕. 苤訄郇郋邾 郇訄 迠郋赲迮郇 2023 郋郕 91勛圖厙 郱邾郋迣郅訄 郱訄郅邽邽 迡郋 郋訇郋邽 郈郋郇訄迡 1000 郈赲郋訇郇邽郕赲, 郋 郱郋訇邽郅郋 郇訄邿訇郅郋 郋迣訄郇郱訄 郱 郋郱邾郇赲訄郇郇 赲 郕訄郇.
繚 迮迮郅郕 迡迮迠訄赲-迡郋郇郋赲, 郕 郇訄郇 迡郅郇 91勛圖厙 赲 苺郕訄郇, 赲郕郅訄: 苤虼, 迮郅邽郕郋訇邽訄郇, 邾迮邽郇, 迡迮郅訄郇迡邽, 苳訄郇, 虼郋郅訄郇迡, 觓郈郋郇, 虴迮, 赲郋郈迮邿郕邽邿 苤郋郱, 訄郇訄迡, 郋赲迮迣, 苳郇郅郇迡 訄 郕迮邾訇迣.
繚 The 91勛圖厙 Trust 訇郅訄 郱訄郇郋赲訄郇訄 1988 郋 郈郅 赲郋迣郇迮郇郇 訄迡郇郕邽 赲邿郕 赲 迣訄郇訄郇 郇訄訄郱 郇訄邿訇郅郋 迣邾訄郇訄郇郋 郋迣訄郇郱訄 郱 郋郱邾郇赲訄郇郇 赲. 訄郱邽 迮郅邽郕邿 邽訄郇 訄 苤虼, 91勛圖厙 郈訄 30 郕訄郇訄 迮邽郋 郈郋 赲郋邾 赲 - 訄郋 赲 郱邿郇郋赲訄郇邽 赲邿郇郋 訄邿郋郇訄, 郕迡邽 赲訄迠郕郋 郋邽邾訄邽 迡郋郈 迡郋赲邽邾 訄郇郋赲訄邾, 赲邿郕郋赲邽邾 訄 郇迮迡郋赲邽邾 郋迣訄郇郱訄邾. 訄迣訄郅郋邾 赲 91勛圖厙 郈訄 訇郅邽郱郕郋 11 500 迡迮邾郇迮赲, 郱 郕邽 郈邽訇郅邽郱郇郋 迮邽郇訄 - 迠郇郕邽.
繚 91勛圖厙 迡郋郈郋邾郋迣郅訄 郈郋郇訄迡 6,5 邾郅邿郋郇赲 郅迡迮邿 20 郕訄郇訄 赲 郱訄郅邽訄邽 赲 訇迮郱郈迮 郱訄赲迡郕邽 郈郋赲迮迡迮郇郇 郋郋訇邽邽 郇郋邾訄邿郇邽 迮邿 迡郅 邾迮赲邽 迣郋邾訄迡, 郕 郇訄赲訄 郅迡迮邿 郋郱郈郱郇訄赲訄邽 赲邽訇郋郇迮訇迮郱郈迮郇 郈迮迡邾迮邽 訄 郈郋赲迡郋邾郅邽 郈郋 郇邽. 苺郕訄郇, 郈郋邽郇訄邽 郱 郅郋迣郋 2022 郋郕, 郋迡郋 郇迮郋訇迡郇邽 訇迮郱郈迮郕郋赲邽 郱訄郋迡赲 訇郅郋 郈郋郇郋邾郋赲訄郇郋 郈郋郇訄迡 20 邾郅邿郋郇赲 郅迡迮邿.
繚 91勛圖厙 赲邽郕郋邽郋赲 迮郇郋郅郋迣 Esri ArcGIS Enterprise 迡郅 郕郋邾郈'迮郇郋迣郋 訄 郈郋郅郋赲郋迣郋 郕訄郋迣訄赲訄郇郇, 訄 訄郕郋迠 迡郅 郱訇郋 迡訄郇邽. 苠迮郇郋郅郋迣 郈迮迮迡訇訄訄 郱訄郋赲訄郇郇 赲邽郋郕郋郋郇邽 GNSS-郈邽邿邾訄赲 Trimble 迡郅 郈迡赲邽迮郇郇 郕郋 郕訄 郱 郋郱訄赲訄郇郇邾 邾郇 訄 郋郱郈郋迡郅 郈郋郋郕赲 迡訄郇邽, 訄 訄郕郋迠 邾郋迠迮 郇迮迣赲訄邽 迡訄郇 郱 郱郇邽 邽迮邾 郱訄 迡郋郈郋邾郋迣郋 郈郅訄郋邾邽 FME 赲迡 Safe Software. 郈迮訄郋邽 91勛圖厙 赲邽郕郋邽郋赲 訄郕郋迠 赲訄郇郋赲郅迮郇 郇訄 訇迮郱郈郅郋郇邽郕訄 迮郇郋郅郋迣 Routescene Lidar 赲郋郇訄 迡郋郈郋邾訄迣訄 郇訄郇郋邽邽 郇訄 郕訄 訄 郋郕郋郈邽, 訇郅郇迡訄迠 訄訇郋 赲邽赲邽, 郕 邾郋迠 赲迡邽邽 郈郋 郇訄赲郇 邾郇郇邽 郈郋郅赲. 郋邾 郱訇訄郇 郇郋邾訄 郈迮訄郅邽 91勛圖厙 訄郇訄郅郱 郱訄 迡郋郈郋邾郋迣郋 郈郋迣訄邾郇郋迣郋 郱訄訇迮郱郈迮迮郇郇 迡郅 郋訇郋訇郕邽 迡訄郇邽 LidarViewer Pro LiDAR.
郋 苳郋郇迡 郋赲訄迡訄 訄迮訄
苳郋郇迡 郋赲訄迡訄 訄迮訄 (The Howard G. Buffett Foundation), 郱訄郇郋赲訄郇邽邿 1999 郋, 郈邽赲訄郇邽邾 訄邾迮邽郕訄郇郕邽邾 邾迮邿郇邽邾 郋郇迡郋邾, 郕邽邿 郈訄 郱訄迡郅 郈郋郕訄迮郇郇 郈郋迡郋赲郋郅郋 訇迮郱郈迮郕邽, 郈郋邾'郕迮郇郇 郕郋郇郅郕赲, 訇郋郋訇邽 郱 郋迣赲郅迮 郅迡邾邽 訄 郈郋邽郅迮郇郇 迣郋邾訄迡郕郋 訇迮郱郈迮郕邽. 郋訇郋訄 苳郋郇迡 赲 苺郕訄郇 郋郱郈郋訄郅訄 2022 郋郕 郇迮赲迡郋赲郱 郈郅 郈郋赲郇郋邾訄訄訇郇郋迣郋 赲郋迣郇迮郇郇 郋 邿 郇訄訄郱 郈邾郋赲訄郇訄 郇訄 郈郋迡郋郅訄郇郇 郇訄邿訇郅郋 迣邾訄郇訄郇郋 郕邽郱邽 赲 赲郋郈 郱 訄赲 迣郋 赲郋赲郋 赲邿郇邽. 訄訄訇郇訄 迡郅郇 苳郋郇迡 赲 苺郕訄郇 赲郕郅訄 郈郋郇訄迡 $83 邾郅郇 赲郇迮郕赲 郇訄 郈迡邽邾郕 迣邾訄郇訄郇郋迣郋 郋郱邾郇赲訄郇郇 2022-2023 郋郕訄.